Best Phone Arena - Moto products from 2013 and 2014 will get Lollipop soon, Luciano Carvalho, a Motorola technologist declared these days that AN robot five.0 update are going to be seeding to plenty of Moto devices "really soon". This hopefully refers to a while within the next week or 2, however intelligibly no date has been fastened.
Moto products from 2013 and 2014 will get Lollipop soon

The Lollipop OTA has been a long-standing promise to numerous near-stock robot Motorola users. And whereas the update might seem as easy as grabbing the ASCII text file and adding a skinny package layer on high, the building and testing method in way more advanced and needs thorough and long debugging. Carvalho had this to mention concerning the difficulties, encompassing Lollipop and also the ensuant delay in seeding:
Updates of this nature take time. It's no secret that when 5.0 launched it still had bugs. And, when we update our products, we end up finding more bugs that need to be fixed. There are a lot of reasons for what that happen, but, basically, each phone has a unique set of components and a way they interact. When Google creates a new release, they don't validate it for all the possible combinations there are, and they won't fix anything that's not reproducible on a Nexus device, that's our job.
Apparently the statement on Google+ was prompted by the news that a get pool of Lollipop-eligible devices in bound square measureas are already receiving AN robot five.0.2 OTA. This, as confirmed by Luciano may be a soak check, which, provided everything goes swish can rework into a mass unharness. If you're questioning whether or not or not robot Lollipop can grace your Motorola device, below you'll notice an inventory of far-famed eligible devices.

An important facet note for initial get device users is that before the update they must certify that they're equipped with the newest version of Motorola Update Services from the Play Store. Hiccups are expected with the updater thus if something goes wrong check back when daily or 2 for a resolution and do not get discouraged as Motorola has secure that there'll be enough sweet goodness to travel around.

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