Best Phone Arena - News : CyanogenMod 12.1 builds rolling out, but you might want to wait, CyanogenMod is probably the foremost in style custom golem build out there nowadays and consequently, it's been obtaining a relentless flow of attention from developers, tinkerers and android-enthusiast all around.

Even higher however, gas developers promise that the new edition is directly installable over AN existing CM twelve.0 install, therefore no knowledge loss ought to occur. there's a catch, tho' - all third party add-on zips should be manually updated to run properly. therefore the challenge is really finding the right, Android 5.1 compatible versions that don’t crash on the new OS.
On another CyanogenMod-related note, a number of you may keep in mind a recent scoop a couple of partnership between Microsoft and CM, boiling all the way down to the combination of MS apps and services straight into the custom computer memory. the complete story was quickly debunked, however gas took the freedom of reiterating this together with the new builds announcement. within the team's own words:
We don't seem to be bundling or pre-installing Microsoft (or any gas OS exclusive partner apps) into CyanogenMod.
So, therewith debacle formally out of the method, we will jubilantly get pleasure from CM twelve.1. But, if you are doing jump on the new edition, allow us to simply prompt you, that it's a nightly build and intrinsically, bugs of all caliber square measure expected. So, if you swear heavily on your CyanogenMod-powered device, you must most likely expect a additional stable milestone build to crop up within the close to future.
Also, the official transfer page for the custom computer memory is presently down, therefore you may ought to check back a little later for the package.
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